Welcome to rippleTank!

rippleTank is a simulator that aims to help students understand how waves behave on a ripple tank, as well as motivating the use of computational tools to solve physical problems. Fully written with Python, rippleTank depends on the following libraries:


rippleTank is freely available on PyPI, thus can be easily installed with pip:

pip install rippleTank

The development version is hosted on GitHub, and can be installed by running the setup.py.

python setup.py install

How it works

A wave is described by the wave equation:

\(\nabla^2\psi = \dfrac{1}{v^2}\dfrac{\partial \Psi}{\partial t} \qquad \text{where } v \text{ is the propagation speed}\)

In order to solve the differential equation, a finite difference scheme is used.

Space is discretized in n_cells_x and n_cells_y, each cell has a value of \(\Psi\) stored on a matrix. For every cell whose location is not a boundary:

\(\Psi^{t+1}_{i, j} = 2\Psi^{t}_{i, j} - \Psi^{t-1}_{i, j} + \left(\dfrac{v\Delta t}{\Delta x}\right)^2\left(\Psi^{t}_{i, j+1} -2\Psi^{t}_{i, j} + \Psi^{t}_{i, j-1}\right) + \left(\dfrac{v\Delta t}{\Delta y}\right)^2\left(\Psi^{t}_{i+1, j} -2\Psi^{t}_{i, j} + \Psi^{t}_{i-1, j}\right)\)

If the boundary is closed:

\(\Psi^{t+1}_{boundary, j} = \Psi^{t}_{boundary, j}\)

\(\Psi^{t+1}_{i, boundary} = \Psi^{t}_{i, boundary}\)

\(\Psi^{t+1}_{boundary, boundary} = \Psi^{t}_{boundary, boundary}\)

For an open boundary the following relations are applied:

\(\Psi^{t+1}_{i, 0}=\dfrac{v\Delta t}{\Delta x}\left(\Psi^t_{i, 1} - \Psi^t_{i, 0}\right) + \Psi^t_{i, 0}\)

\(\Psi^{t+1}_{0, j}=\dfrac{v\Delta t}{\Delta y}\left(\Psi^t_{1, j} - \Psi^t_{0, j}\right) + \Psi^t_{0, j}\)

\(\Psi^{t+1}_{i, \text{n_cells_x}-1}=\dfrac{v\Delta t}{\Delta x}\left(\Psi^t_{i, \text{n_cells_x}-1} - \Psi^t_{i, \text{n_cells_x}-2}\right) + \Psi^t_{i, \text{n_cells_x}-1}\)

\(\Psi^{t+1}_{\text{n_cells_y}-1, j}=\dfrac{v\Delta t}{\Delta y}\left(\Psi^t_{\text{n_cells_y}-1, j} - \Psi^t_{\text{n_cells_y}-2, j}\right) + \Psi^t_{\text{n_cells_y}-1, j}\)

For a gaussian wave with open boundary conditions the result is:



rippleTank is divided in four scripts: masks.py, sources.py, tank.py, examples.py. They contain the definition of three classes: Mask, Source and rippleTank.

Root class is rippleTank which defines the whole space in which the simulation will take place. Perturbations are included with Source objects and obstacules with Mask objects.

Indices and tables